Danny boy claims runners-up spot in national disabled championships

PORTSMOUTH cueist Danny O’Driscoll was runner-up in his category at the National Snooker Disability Championships in Manchester.

The 49-year-old, who is based at Copnor Snooker Club and competes in leagues run by the Portsmouth District Billiards & Snooker Association, has never told his teammates he is registered disabled.
However, O\’Driscoll has now revealed he suffers from a leg condition called Intermittent Claudication in a bid to encourage other registered disabled sportsmen and women to enter competitions by Disability Sports Events (DSE).
He said: “Basically, it means I have severe pain in my legs and they cramp after only walking a few yards. Having had the condition now for five years, I just deal with the pain while I’m playing snooker because I love the game.
“I’m only talking about it now to encourage people with disabilities that there are a whole load of sporting events they can enter run by the DSE and also meet new friends who are going through the same problems as them.”
Competing in his first DSE event, O’Driscoll, who also competes on the Cuestars South of England Masters (40+) Tour, won his round-robin group at Rileys Belle Vue but lost a close final 2-0 to Jason Wholey (Norwich).
But O’Driscoll did pocket the gold medal in a 60-second challenge where players try to pot as many reds as they can in a minute.
“It’s not as easy as it sounds,” said O’Driscoll, after potting six reds. “And there’s a bit of pressure with everyone gathered around the table watching you. I was delighted to win it though.
“I met some lovely new friends and the whole weekend of snooker was played in good spirit. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming.”
O’Driscoll has now been selected for the South East Regional team.
Clive Brown, former chairman of the English Association of Snooker & Billiards, was tournament director of the championships, which were sponsored by The Paul Hunter Foundation.
Anyone interested in sponsoring O’Driscoll can contact him through Tim Dunkley’s e-mail address below.
Picture: Danny O’Driscoll receiving his trophy from referee Steve Starkie.