Finn itching for success

MIKE Finn says that collecting runners-up trophies brings him out in a “terrible rash”.

After a less than successful 2012/13, the Cuestars Championship Tour player (pictured) insists his Churchills A side is focused on the task ahead in the Southampton & District Social Clubs League.

Finn recorded the first century break of the new campaign, a 105 against Ian Pardey (Sarisbury Social A).

“It was just nice to get the season off to a good start,” said the 27-year-old former Town Champion.

“Last year was not a good season for our team or me individually so this year is about getting titles back and keeping focused.

“Individually and collectively, if we stay on it, no other team has a chance of beating us over the course of a year. But if you don’t stay focused on every game then it will be more runners-up trophies, which I’m allergic to.

“I can’t pick them up. I come over in a terrible rash.”

Last season, three-time winner Finn finished runner-up to teammate Billy Castle in the Town Championship final.

After claiming three successive pairs titles, Finn and Drew Farminer went out in the quarter-finals to John Barton and Justin Mines (Eastleigh Railway Institute).

Churchills A were runners-up to Chandlers Ford Central Club A in the Super League and they lost to Park Gate RBL B in the Burroughes & Watts quarter-finals.

Picture by Tim Dunkley
