Six names for the notebook

THEY are tomorrow’s stars who are already shining today. 

A place in the Premier division of the Eastleigh & District Under-13 League may have seemed like a far-off dream when these lads first picked up a cue.
But soon they will realise that this is but a stepping stone on a snooker career that could see them travel the world.
Under-13 League, Under-18 League, Cuestars, EASB Regional and Premier Junior Tour, England places, qualification for European junior championships and IBSF World Championships.
This path has been trodden by players who started in the Under-13 League at Chandler’s Ford Snooker Club.
Last year, Nick Jennings flew to Canada for the IBSF World Under-21 Championship, Shane Castle was in Bulgaria earlier this year for the European Under-21 Championship and this Friday coming Billy Castle hops on a plane bound for Bulgaria for the IBSF World Championship.
It may seem an impossible dream but this is reality.
Picture by Tim Dunkley. From left: Steven Hughes, 11; Alex White, 10; Luke Beebe (champion), 11; Billy Naismith, 10; Jamie Wilson, 9; Connor Benzey, 10.