Vane: a cue sports master

A FORMER Cuestars member proved he is a cue sports master by adapting to the “chess-like” world pool rules and coming within two shots of clinching the Hampshire Open.

Kevin Vane, who pocketed £150 for winning the Cuestars Salisbury Open in October, 1998, and fiancée Cath King represent England at blackball pool.
The 34-year-old from Eastleigh missed a nine out of ten shot to clinch the county pool title at the Allsports Academy, Basingstoke.
Vane pocketed £110 after a 6-5 defeat by Gosport’s Steve Parker.
“I started off like a house on fire,” he said. “I was 3-0 up in about five minutes. Then it went a little bit tactical.”
England star Parker forced a decider from 5-3 down.
“It was a bit of a nervy final frame,” added Vane. “I had my one chance and rattled the last red with the black over the hole. It was a shot I’d expect to get nine out of ten times and he cleared up.”
Earlier, Vane saw off county blackball player Chris Davies, from Basingstoke, 5-2 in the semi-finals.
“It was a very well-run event and the players appreciated it,” added Vane, a two-time Southampton snooker champion, who admitted he is torn between the two pool codes.
“I like both sets of rules so it’s a difficult decision. (Blackball) is more attacking and world rules is more chess-like.”
Picture by Kevin Legg: Cath King and Kevin Vane.