Warrior Cowdroy ends rough time

DORSET snooker ace Bradley Cowdroy ended a “rough time” on the green baize in true ‘Warrior’ style.

Cowdroy lived up to his nickname with a battling performance to claim his first winner’s trophy for 11 months on the Cuestars Under-21 Gold Tour.

The 17-year-old from Bournemouth defeated home player Jamie Wilson 2-1 from 1-0 down on the professional standard Star table at Waterlooville Sports Bar.

A massive and unexpected 55 entries across the three tours meant a late finish. It was 10.40pm when Wilson offered the handshake.

Cowdroy, who pocketed £100 prize money, said: “What a day! Midway through the afternoon, I thought that staying awake was going to be more of an achievement than actually winning the tournament. It was a mad day but I’m delighted.”

Reflecting on the final, he continued: “I know how dangerous Jamie is and how well he’s playing at the moment. He just does what he does best, which is long potting.

“I had to dig in, just be hard to beat and try to make the most of my chances.”

Cowdroy has now won all of the three Gold Tour legs held at Waterlooville Sports Bar since the club opened in the autumn of 2016.

And he admitted this latest success couldn’t have come at a better time.

“Last season, from Christmas onwards, I had a pretty rough time,” he said. “I was struggling for results.

“I was getting very down at tournaments, taking everything too seriously and beating myself up.

“I needed to believe in myself, take each tournament as it comes and try to have a more positive attitude.

“I know that I’m good enough to beat most people so I just need to believe in myself.

“I’m enjoying it a lot more this year. If I’m not playing well, like I wasn’t for large parts of today, I just keep believing and keep trying.”

Earlier, Wilson earned a place in the Cuestars records book.

The 15-year-old from Havant compiled the highest break in the ten-year history of the Gold Tour.

He made a 128 total clearance in the deciding frame of his 2-1 quarter-final victory over Londoner Ronnie Sullivan.

Connor Benzey (Eastleigh) remains top of the rankings after a 2-1 last-four defeat by Wilson.

Cowdroy wrapped up a 2-1 victory over Aristos Pampouris (London) in the second semi with a 62 break.

The second leg was sponsored by the Waterlooville-based snooker accessory supplier snookercrazy.com and Waterlooville Sports Bar.

Jesters Snooker Club, Swindon, hosts the third legs of ten on Sunday, November 3.


Jamie Wilson: 128, 87, 76.
Bradley Cowdroy: 62.
Aristos Pampouris: 57.
Elliott Weston: 54, 49.
Marcos Dayao: 48, 44.
Ryan Hughes: 46.
Steven Hughes: 45, 40.
Richard Hillgrove: 44.


ROUND-ROBIN GROUP A: 1st, Connor Benzey (Chandlers Ford SC); 2nd, Bradley Cowdroy (Greenbaize, Bournemouth); 3rd, Dan Sykes (Chandlers Ford SC); 4th, Shane Kearns (Jesters, Swindon).

ROUND-ROBIN GROUP B: 1st, Oliver Sykes (Chandlers Ford SC); 2nd, Jamie Wilson (Waterlooville Sports Bar); 3rd, Ryan Hughes (Chandlers Ford SC); 4th, Richard Hillgrove (Basildon SC).

ROUND-ROBIN GROUP C: 1st, Marcos Dayao (Hurricane Room, Kings Cross); 2nd, Steven Hughes (Chandlers Ford SC); 3rd, Arron Smith (Selsey RBL); 4th, Elliott Weston (Top Spot, Havant).

ROUND-ROBIN GROUP D: 1st, Ronnie Sullivan (Frames, Coulsdon); 2nd, Aristos Pampouris (Hurricane Room, Kings Cross); 3rd, Callum Browne (Player’s, Westbury); 4th, O’Shay Scott (Chandlers Ford SC); 5th, Chloe White (Waterlooville Sports Bar).

QUARTER-FINALS (12 points): Benzey 2-0 S Hughes, Wilson 2-1 Sullivan, Pampouris 2-0 O Sykes, Cowdroy 2-0 Dayao.

SEMI-FINALS (15 points): Wilson 2-1 Benzey, Cowdroy 2-1 Pampouris.

FINAL (£100/£25, 25/18 points): Cowdroy 2-1 Wilson.

Picture by Tim Dunkley

From left: Jamie Wilson, Steve Wilson from Waterlooville Sports Bar, Bradley Cowdroy.

Have you got any snooker news?

Send me your snooker news now. It doesn’t have to be from a Cuestars tournament. E-mail me details or contact me via Facebook and you could be on the Cuestars website and in your local newspaper. E-mail: [email protected]

Tim Dunkley (World Snooker coach)
