Cuestars remembers Graham Lee

SNOOKER players from the Salisbury area are preparing to take to the green baize again in memory of former Durrington professional Graham Lee.

Eleven cuemen will compete for the Graham Lee Memorial Trophy when the Cuestars South Wilts Snooker League kicks off its seventh season on November 11 at Salisbury Snooker Club.
Lee, who once played with Ronnie O’Sullivan in an England amateur team in Thailand, died suddenly in 2004 at the age of 44.
League founder John Hunter, a five-time South Wilts champion and good friend of Lee, said: “I though it would be fitting to hold a competition in his memory.”
The league, played fortnightly until April, 2011, carries a prize fund of £200.
All matches are played off scratch and consist of five frames. One point is awarded for each frame won with a bonus point for the winner.
Hunter compiled the league’s highest break of 139 against Alex Thorn in the 2007/08 season.