Eastleigh junior champions

RILEY Ellis (pictured, right) and Thomas Devine (left) are the new Eastleigh & District junior league champions.

Cuestars Silver Tour player Riley, who retained his title, is on a bit of a roll.

The 16-year-old from the village of Clyffe Pypard, North Wilts, has beaten his highest break twice since the lockdown and last week became the youngest winner of the Tuesday Singles League at Chandlers Ford Snooker Club.

He went into the 20th and final week of the Under-19 League two points clear of O’Shay Scott and secured his second Premier title with an unbeaten run of three matches.

Caden Read took the honours in Division 1.

Earlier, Thomas wrapped up his first Under-13 title by a comfortable 18-point margin from William Thomson.

The 11-year-old from Lymington, whose highest competitive break is 36, is lying in sixth place on the Bronze Tour rankings.

New 20-week leagues start next Saturday at Chandlers Ford SC. Under-13s compete from 9-11am and Under-19s from 11am-1pm.

Picture by Tim Dunkley
