Wilson claims city title

AN 11-year-old has won the 2014 Under-30 Championship run by the Portsmouth District Billiards & Snooker Association.

And he was forced to concede handicap starts to all his opponents!

Giving 25 points, Jamie Wilson (pictured) accounted for Sam Laxton 3-1 from 1-0 down in the final of the annual event at Copnor Snooker Club.

Earlier, Wilson, whose highest break is 71, compiled a 42 in a semi-final victory over Brad Wrench.

The Copnor kid turns out for his home club’s Cuestars A side that are mid-table in Division 3 of the Pompey league.

Chloe White lost in the second semi to Laxton, having avenged her defeat by brother Callum in the first round of the Cuestars section monthly knockout.

Callum had produced what coach Pascal Richard described as a “wonder clearance” from green to black in the monthly. But he was beaten by Dan Compton in the final.

Report by Tim Dunkley.
