71 break for ten-year-old

A TEN-YEAR-OLD Cuestars member has compiled a monster 71 break in a league match.

Jamie Wilson (pictured) booked a place on the Cuestars South of England Under-21 Gold Tour by surpassing his previous best of 59 in a Portsmouth District Billiards & Snooker Association game last night at Copnor Snooker Club.

His coach Pascal Richard described the break as “brilliant stuff”.

It came against 80-year-old Norman Bradfield in a Division 3 derby fixture as the youngsters from Copnor Cuestars A entertained the veterans from Copnor E.

Wilson, who turns 11 in November, potted mainly pinks but was forced to negotiate two tricky reds along the rail. He then cleared the colours to the pink.

Richard revealed that tightening up the youngster’s technique after the school holidays, coupled with hours of hard work on the practice table, was the key to the remarkable performance.

“It’s a big-time reward for some serious hard work in the last week by Jamie after a dodgy evening the previous week,” he explained.

“We talked a lot about technique recently because after the summer break things weren’t quite right.

“We filmed some of Jamie’s practice time, and he was honest enough to admit there were some things he needed to fix when he watched the footage.

Report by Tim Dunkley.
